Don't ask me how this started... See if you can guess who's who! Some are, ahem, easier than others. (And don't take it too seriously - it's a bit of fun! All who are mentioned below are great people. :-) )
Leadership Team and Staff of St. Aldate's: A Cup Of Coffee
Leadership Team and Staff of St. Aldate's: A Cup Of Coffee
- I have three things to say about that coffee, but I might only have time for two of them.
- I think it's a prophetic mug of coffee; I think we should drink deeply of it, I think it talks of our destiny as coffee-drinkers.
- Is it Starbucks?
- Could you do it more like, uh... stirry-stirry-stirry chinkchink? (Hint: Risky sound checks)
- It's there! But we need to drink it! Download it into you and then something is activated inside of you - the caffeine gets activated - and you know that you know that you've just drunk some coffee! It happened to me! I think there are people here today who need that caffeine activated in their lives. If that's you just come forward...
- I've called this talk "Return of the King-dom Coffee"...
- Hi James? I was just wondering if you'd do visuals for the coffee this evening... you can? Great!
- Coffee? Cooooool.
- Hey, guess what's cool - Ubuntu Coffee. Based on Java. And I got it installed on my Mac!
- So, there was this E-mail that was sent... I hate people who start with a joke that's got nothing to do with what they're talking about, but that's got absolutely nothing to do with this coffee. Why not buy someone a coffee later?
- En France, nous rendons du café beaucoup plus agréable que vous. Mais nous vous aimons en tout cas!
- NowI'vebeenaskedtotalkaboutthiscoffeeandI'llmanagetogetatleastfiveheavytheologicalpointsfullydiscussedbeforeitgoescold.
- coffee
saturday 11am
be there :-) - That coffee is disgusting. I bring my own!