Wednesday, February 20, 2008

6th Week: A stream of consciousness on hunger and chains

What does it mean to be hungry for something?

OED: "Having or characterized by a strong desire or craving [for something]".
And craving, "Urgent desire; longing, yearning."

If, in a room full of hungry people, you announce a feast, the expected response is one of elation.

If you claim that you are hungry for something, yet let that very thing pass by with barely an acknowledgement - are you really hungry?

If not - why not?

"Through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death" Romans 8 v2

To borrow rather heavily from Mary Mary: the shackles have been taken off your feet. Why do you choose, rather than dancing, to continue shuffling in lines like prisoners?

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