Tuesday, November 04, 2008

US Elections: BBC News live feed

The BBC have their own Twitter-like feed of US election titbits. But I didn't want it in a browser... so I wrote myself a little Bash script to do the job for me. Run that through (say) watch:
watch -n 30 elections.sh
and Obama's your Presiden... I mean, Bob's your uncle.

I've a small window pinned to my screen with that in. Hooray for distractions from work!

EDIT: 11.55pm - At some point they changed their format slightly and it confused my regexp. Updated version for download now, same location.


Anonymous said...

Um, it appears not to be working...

Anonymous said...

OK ignore me. I just blindly copied & pasted that watch command into the terminal, forgetting that I'd saved the file somewhere where bash wouldn't find it unless I gave the path explicitly... (I lose 10 nerd points)