Saturday, October 07, 2006

0th Week: Tired!

Wow, I'm tired... I got to bed at 3am after the St. Aldate's half-night of prayer; Dave and I were both on the A/V team  for much of the evening, though we were able to take it in shifts. It was a really encouraging evening, and one that made me really feel (almost) as at home here as at my home church. I even got to use my nice Risky semi-transparent stuff (I think it's fast becoming my signature piece, quite worryingly). It's little touches like that that make the difference.

So, got in about 2.40, and really fancied a cheese toastie. Bed about 3, but (surprisingly, as I was exhausted) found it really difficult to get to sleep. Woke up about 11, and I should probably get dressed somewhen soon...

My ridiculously busy Freshers' Week continues... it's the SJC Freshers' Fair, and OICCU Churches Fair, both this afternoon. I'm sure Freshers' Week wasn't this busy last year... I'd better get dressed somewhen soon. And do some laundry. And find some lunch. And so on.

Edit: This blog has been going for a year yesterday! Go me!

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